Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The ERSA unit-"always ON", cant be turned "OFF"

                                  Notes on the Ersa-1 SpiralCone Antenna  
On the outside ,the Ersa looks like a simple plastic pipe without obvious function  or use. 

The components on the inside, however, are dynamically active at all times.
What does this mean? The three active components in the tube can be stimulated by any 

electrical signal, and since the tube is "transparent" to radio and magnetic signals, these 
components are in a continuous state of reactance to the surrounding signals.
Signals in our surrounding environment come from many sources:

1. Man made radio transmissions from ultra-high frequency cell phones to very low frequency ground waves.
2. Magnetic waves from electrical grids and commercial machinery.
3. Endless variety of noise and waves from extra-terrestrial sources, like the Sun. 

The SpiralCone is sensitive to radio and magnetic signals.
The CX-1 radio Capacitor reacts to RF and any AC signals, while at the same time charges 
and discharges like a simple DC battery.
The TE isolation module also behaves like a DC battery, getting charges from the first 2 
components and also the GRR-1 reflector.

Simply put, the ERSA unit is always"ON", even when disconnected from external equipment.
There is no practical way to turn it OFF, or prevent the internal reactions from occurring.

The above statement is profound Knowledge.

The pessimistic electrical engineer will suggest sheilding, Faraday cages,and burying the 
darn thing in the ground.
Yes, we can take those extreme measures, knowing it will reduce the surrounding signal 
levels and provide an electrically quiet environment.
But the SpiralCone and the CX-1 together form a "tank circuit". Such a tank is always 
vibrating, always active, responding to any external stimulation, however small.
For people living in our dynamic universe, it takes little imagination to raise some 
interesting questions about the theory of "always ON".

1. Since the ERSA is essentially a broad-band, non-selective "sensor", what is it detecting that I am not aware of? 
Most monitoring equipment is highly selective and serves 1 or 2 
narrow objectives.
2.Is there a difference in operation between daylight hours, nighttime hours, or locations on the globe?
3. Does "always ON" mean it is reacting to signals in other dimensions, presuming other dimensions exist?

So, even buried in the ground, the ERSA cannot be "turned off".
The unit would have to be dismantled, and the sub-assemblies cut to pieces and physically crushed.
The little boy in the 7th dimension said"hey,MOM,that cone-looking thing that was hanging in mid-air just vanished !" 

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