Friday, September 18, 2015

Portable Radio Antenna.20 inch tube.New Technology.TV/UHFfun

Hooray! my SCT-100 antenna is on Kickstarter! 
Please show your support, pledge to get an antenna if you don't have one-------everybody should have a portable antenna!

they are "go -bag ready"------------ fit in a backpack----- connect to any radio------- receive TV HD stations------ great for finding small signal transmitters.
We have personal computers, personal phones, several radios and TV's that we're never far away from... why not have a personal antenna? we are surrounded by radio waves, most are friendly and useful- but what about the signals we are not aware of? we need a convenient device that will alert us to that which we cannot see. 
Everyone has a quest- some want to listen to far-away FM signals that are hard to receive. Others point at the sky, listening for Satellites and asteroids flying by. And some just want to find that HD TV signal in a certain direction. 
What ever your goal is with radio signals, you need a device that is reliable and has multiple applications. 
The SCT-100 is the only portable antenna with those features, and the capability to be pushed to new applications.
Pledge for one on Kickstarter, or buy one directly from Etsy . com

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