Friday, September 18, 2015

Portable Radio Antenna.20 inch tube.New Technology.TV/UHFfun

Hooray! my SCT-100 antenna is on Kickstarter! 
Please show your support, pledge to get an antenna if you don't have one-------everybody should have a portable antenna!

they are "go -bag ready"------------ fit in a backpack----- connect to any radio------- receive TV HD stations------ great for finding small signal transmitters.
We have personal computers, personal phones, several radios and TV's that we're never far away from... why not have a personal antenna? we are surrounded by radio waves, most are friendly and useful- but what about the signals we are not aware of? we need a convenient device that will alert us to that which we cannot see. 
Everyone has a quest- some want to listen to far-away FM signals that are hard to receive. Others point at the sky, listening for Satellites and asteroids flying by. And some just want to find that HD TV signal in a certain direction. 
What ever your goal is with radio signals, you need a device that is reliable and has multiple applications. 
The SCT-100 is the only portable antenna with those features, and the capability to be pushed to new applications.
Pledge for one on Kickstarter, or buy one directly from Etsy . com

Monday, September 14, 2015

The SCT-100 portable antenna goes up in price,now $75.00,8 post in CONUS

SO...the bad news is, The SCT-100 portable antenna goes up in price,now $75.00,8 post in CONUS, because manufacturing costs are catching up with us. Lots of parts are hand made, so lots of labor goes into each unit. 

5  layers of material goes into each cone-shaped helix, lots of copper conductor material, and real silver wire on the inside connections. 
The good news is-we are saving up to buy a 3D printer, so we can make the cone-shaped forms faster and cheaper. And some of the other small parts ,too. 

This is the best, most portable VHF-UHF antenna, especially for experimenters, and people who want an emergency antenna in their go-bag. We carry ours in Bat-Bags, so we can put accessories and extra grids and radio gear in with it. 
see them on  , and join the Radio Hunters.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Whats inside the TUBE ? the 20 inch SCT-100 SpiralCone Antenna. start LiSTENiNG!

We have to start Listening!
What radio waves are around my house?
What vehicles are flying over my head?
What direction are the free TV signals?
Are the "Aliens" using rotating radio waves?
Cut away view of the "guts" of the SCT-100 terrestrial TUBE.
real conical shape, with real copper spiral, real center mounting components, real high quality radio capacitor. AND, you can still site-through the cone itself. This thing is so cool, Armored technology, shock mounted components, and real -world external connections. 

But don't take one apart, it will be ruined and never function again!
the wires are real Silver metal, and with other copper, brass, and aluminum components.  get them at

Friday, June 12, 2015

The NEW "Lefty" Left hand Circularly Polarized LHCP Helix Antenna. SpiralCone SCT-100

                             We have to start Listening!
What radio waves are around my house?
What vehicles are flying over my head?
What direction are the free TV signals?
Are the "Aliens" using rotating radio waves?
is that an alien submarine, or a scary space ship? NO, its 
a LHCP SCT-100 Terrestrial helical radio antenna! You can get a lefty or a righty ( I know, you cant see the diffo, but it's IN there) from or for $59.95
and $8.00 post. its only 20 inches long. Throw it in yer backpack!
It's labled, so you'll know what you're listening to!
Join the radio hunters, ask questions on  We have to start listening!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Improvements to the SCT-100 Terrestrial End Caps -the first grid

IF you have an Ersa-1 from last year, you have a 100 mm aluminum grid, as an end cover and a plastic clear acrylic inside window/wire mount. 
                     The new SCT-100
We have switched to a 100mm acrylic disk, and a thin aluminum back piece that is electrically the same as the old, holds a better water seal, and the nylon ties plus clear sealer is a stronger mount. 

Remember, these helical antenna tubes are guaranteed for life. We make them as tough as we can, and also serviceable if the need arises.
end cap,grid 1,isolation resistor,ext.grid screw

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The SCT-100 Armored Helix SpiralCone Antenna- new front optical plastic-NEW node conductor.

WE IMPROVED the water-proofing and the physical strength of the front optical window on all SCT-100 Helical antennas, and we needed a larger node conductor than just a small piece of brass.
so now its a Penny!
YEP, you can legally drill a hole through these  babies, and they are great conductors with just enough surface area to be a NODE conductor. and, the COiL end wires are easy to silver-solder. see the photo, with the evap screw next to it. You can remove yr own paper of the lens, when ever you need to do more accurate high -frequency sightings.BUY these on ETSY
That back  ledge above the grip is good for mounting small cameras, etc. but NOT a Compass!

ALiEN GREEN !Adding a little color to the Terrestrial tubes and the pistol grip combinations.We gotta start LiSTENING !

SO BACK by popular demand, the pistol grips are added to the newest versions of the ERSA-1 's- the new SpiralCone Terrestrial 100's.  SCT-100's are lighter, more water resistant, and come with a 16 inch PVC pipe, for adding a 2nd RESONANANT GRiD.
This one has a large metal #1 grid, and a rectangle proto type # 2 grid, for Ariel outdoor pole mounting.

Its just a little round screen, connected with a decade resistor, and a nice green alien face on it.
Using it gives you more signal strength and directivity. The original SpiralCone included 3 resonant grids, 2 work well with a single Terrestrial unit, and we'll add a 3rd larger one for use with the larger Parsec coils.

IS THAT GREEN enough for you? hard to take the antenna serious, when it looks like this much fun

Thursday, May 7, 2015

NO UAV's Over My House !! The SCT-100 test unit mounts on the mast. And up it goes !


SO the pvc tail fit right in the mast top, cable connected, and some strapping tape added to keep it stable and pointing one way. Same direction as the camera. 
The onion plant helped me out by stabilizing the reference grid number 2, since it didn't weigh much!
And back up in the AIR it goes. The GREEN grid went a little off-set  on me, but no harm done. Its line-of-sight position is still close enough. 
SO THAR SHE BLOWS- I hope some body with a drone gets a good video shot of my UAV sticker! So now, its testing time. come back soon, and see our signal strength results.

NO UAV's Over My House !! continued, down comes the UFL300 Mast.

The SCT-100 test unit is ready to go,so down comes the tripod and mast. 
The UFL300 was recently cleaned, painted, and re-cabled, so we added an extra cable, to wait on the test SCT-100 to be finished.Its so convenient to work on laying in my wifes flower beds!. HA HA

NO UAV's Over My House !! The SCT Terrestrial goes up -continued

So here is our test model contraption ( my grandfathers word) with the PVC mounts and the two reference grids. You could use it hand -held this way, but I prefer the pistol grip out in the field. 
The 40 MM window on the dounut is still covered with the tacky paper, since  the unit is going 25 feet in the air, we wont see anything through it on this test.  I like the performance of the yellow zip ties on the end -cap seals, it adds strength to the back apron, and solves mounting problems while reducing metal content. 
Remember, the original idea for the SpiralCones was to keep metalic objects away from the coil and then Isolate them with decade resisters in the back of the coil. So now we're going to put this on top of the mast, and connect up the coax that was pre -installed. 

NO UAV's Over My House !! the Terrestrial Antenna goes up in the air.

WE are back on the blog, with photos of a Terrestrial antenna being mounted on a mast, and raised skyward. We needed to do some more testing, so we mounted it next to a Universal flat line 300 VHF antenna, that is uni-direcional, and has almost zero gain. We use the ufl300 to tune in HD TV signals and get signal strength readings all the time.

So we thought a good side to side comparison with a Spiralcone Terrestrial unit would be of good value. 

We already know two things- the SCT is very directional and exhibits high gain at certain frequencies. On the bad side, we have the SCT connected to 30 feet of coax cable, and that will kill some signal strength. We have the same amount of coax on the UFL300, so no diffo's there.

Here is the NO UAV's over my house decal, on a stainless reference  grid . it just extends the area of the "white dounut"which is the first grid in back of the antenna cone. We added a second grid 16 inches away, it was an experimental grid we had laying around in the shop. It was painted bright green, and already had a decade resister on it. So we put it to work.